Monday, November 16, 2009

Recently ... (well not so recently)

I know that I have been horribly slacking on writing my blog. So here is my effort in letting everyone know what's been going on .... I got the chance to fly home at the end of October for my older brothers wedding. It was a wonderful event in which I got to see practically everyone. I had alot of fun but was very glad to get back to my lonely husband. Tony wasn't able to come due to school and duty. But we are looking forward to coming home for Christmas.

Yesterday was my dear little Nick's birthday. Unfortunately he wasn't here to celebrate it. For those of you who don't know, Nick was our precious golden retreiver who wasn't really that little. He passed away this summer and was a very said time for the whole family. So I took some time to reflect the life and time we had together. I remember the day he joined the family. It was christmas morning and all threw the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse ... ok well not really. Ty (my little brother) had slept in my bed with me that night when we both awoke to this startling noise. We weren't quite sure what it was or where it was coming from. So we went searching for it. Walking threw the living room towards the kitchen thinking it was in the garage ... but nothing was there. Finally we decided to let mom and dad know something weird was going on. Dad rolled out of bed and calmly said to get all the kids together so we could open presents. Once we were all there and done looking at what "santa" had brought us, my parents said there was one more very specail gift for all of us. An adorable ball of fluff came running out of the laundry room (right next to the garage). That was the best gift ever!!

That night we went to the cabin and brought Nick with us. I slept downstairs with my, well our, new puppy to make sure he wasn't lonely. I didn't sleep at all that night. I was up taking him out to the bathroom, then he would whine so I'd go and hold him. So on and so forth. But it was the best time of my life. I wouldn't change it for the world. I love you Nick and I can't wait to see you in the afterlife.

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