Saturday, August 15, 2009

get the thin mints!

just to bring you up to speed ... tony has classed up to "i" strand! so he is in school and doesn't necessarily love it but is making the best of it. i on the other had sit at home and do nothing. i usually get to go and pick tony up on base around 4:30 to come home for awhile. one night while tony was trying to concentrate on doing homework. i was watching tv when one of my favortie commercials came on. i started to "giggle" as tony would put it so of course we had to stop and turn our complete focus on the tv. the wonderful commerical just happened to be for DQ thin mint blizzards. we fell for their trap and drove twelve miles to partake of this wonderful treat, it was a nice scenic drive that i must say we will be making again.


  1. Well, hello! Your blog is so cute! Let me guess, Tony picked out the background, right? Lol, I'm jealous of your blizzards! That sounds delicious. Oh, Monty wants to know if you guys patched things up yet. We miss you guys! Curtiss and I and Monty and Cindy (and Justin) went camping this weekend and talked about how we wished you were there! I'm happy you have a blog now so we can keep in touch easier!
