Friday, December 10, 2010

All I want for Chirstmas

is this guy

I really hope he's home for Chirstmas
(it's up in the air right now)
I've been searching for these ... I believe I deserve them in my stocking
I have been a very good girl

Hoping I get this beauty

And for the finale

Something I've already recieved (but miss very much)

My favorite Christmas present ... so far

(and no it's not my brother)

What are YOU wanting this year?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

"If the only prayer you said in your life was 'thank you' that would suffice"
-Meister Eckhart
I hope that all of you have a very wonderful Thanksgiving. I know that this year I have plenty to be thankful for this year.
We are lucky enough to be spending Thanksgiving with some family and friends.
We are lucky enough to have food to eat and a roof over our head.
We are lucky enough to be alive and enjoy this wonderful holiday in which we get to be thankful for all that is around us which we get to enjoy.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Ghosts of Williamsburg Tour

For Halloween this year we went to Williamsburg to take their famous Ghost Tour. They hold these tours all year long, but we thought it would be fitting to do it closer to Halloween to get in the spirit of things. It was very interesting and very fun. We headed up earlier that day to take a look around before the tour began. It was fun to see all of the old buildings and cemetary and what not. Both Tony and Brian (Tony's Brother) are pretty big history lovers. So just learning more and seeing the sites was a great thing. I enjoyed the beautiful structure of the many different homes ... I'm a big fan of the Victorian style homes.

I was even lucky enough to be able to feed the horses ... at first we didn't think we had anything of value for them to eat but they followed me up and down the fense smelling the delicous caramel apple fragance on my fingers. Luckily we didn't eat it all. So I bit off the as much as I could that didn't have caramel of chocolate on it and feed these precious creatures a treat. I really do love how beautiful they are.

The tour was great fun. It started at 8 o'clock at night. A guide walked you around Colonel Williamsburg by candle light. Telling stories of people who lived there and what their lives were like, many of them were murdered or died due to diseases. Many of them were funny (at least I thought so). Some of them hard to believe. But I guess that's why it's fun ... because you can believe what you want to.

I'm sure that we will be heading back up there in the future.

Friday, October 22, 2010

An Upcoming Adventure

Halloween is creeping closer. Tony and I have brewed up a special adventure for the creepiest holiday of the year. I haven't been this excited about Halloween since I was little and hoping to get lots of candy. Hopefully this adventure meets my expectatoins.

As excited as I am for this special adventure. I am even more excited for Tony to return home in four days. It feels like he has been gone for month's even though it's just been a few weeks. It will great to have him back home with me for at least two months!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

One Year Older ... And I Suppose He's Wiser To

Wow. This is a rough post.

Tony has been gone for 30 days now ... and he has to celebrate his birthday floating on the ocean somewhere. I'm sure he will make the best out of it though. I just wanted to let him know (as if he ever reads this thing) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I can't wait to see him soon and celebrate then. I love you Tony and hope you can make the most of your special day!

Sorry for not posting for so long (especially to you cami) ... I'm spending to much time trying to have fun.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

bored ... and doing what I shouldn't

Alright so that title can be taken the wrong way, I am bored cause Tony's away at the moment. Plus I'm supposed the be spending all my time to finish my online class which has like 3 more weeks until it ends and I really need to be getting homework done. So of course I'm not ... I can only do so much homework before I explode.
But I am trying to get everything done early because I'm headed to NY on the first (of August)for about a week!!

It's not going to be all fun while I'm there but that's alright. After that I'm spending a month (roughly) in UT, of course

I decided to do this cause Tony would be gone anyway. So anyone wanting to see my wonderful face ... ok it might not be THAT wonderful but still, we should do something.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

To my very own Papafrita

Father's Day this year seems a bit different for me. Yes I realize I'm thousands of miles away and that might have something to do with it. But this year I am definitely more thankful for my wonderful father. As many of you know we had a scare a few months back and weren't really sure what the outcome would be. But I am very grateful that my dad fought hard to be with us today. I have learned many wonderful things from my father, including: wearing shorts in the winter, shoveling the snow barefoot, many computer skills which I don't think I know til I have to do them on my own, how to be a nice genuine person, and mainly how to have fun ... all the time. I want to thank my magnificent father for making my life so great, for helping me create the best memories that I can never forget. I love you and am so very thankful for being able to have you as the best dad in the world.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's hard to believe ...

I never thought it would come so fast, our one year anniversary is today, crazy!! Tony is still away but Alyssa has been making sure I get the most out of my day and driving me crazy doing so hehe. Although I did receive a wonderful email from Tony that made my day. Even though he is gone I had a pretty good time. The week started with the Spataro's visiting, not just for me but Ryan currently lives thirty minutes away so I spent a few days visiting them. Then Alyssa arrived late wednesday, we spent our time together shopping, enjoying the wonderful brad paisley concert, going to the windy beach, eating great food, and playing with a very adorable bulldog.

But enough about that ...

Today is really about the one I love ... I miss seeing his face. I miss his gentle touch. His handsome brown eyes looking so sweetly into mine. His snoring, I know kind of crazy. But most of all I just miss him. I love him for making me miss him so much. For being to perfect and wonderful that I would want to miss him. He is doing well and I believe having the time of his life just working and playing rock band.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day One: He's Gone

It has now been twenty-four hours since I dropped Tony of for his month long adventure and I'm already bored. I know it's because I know I won't be seeing him in just a few days, but I can't help it. I promised myself that I would stay busy with my school work and cleaning the house so that I wouldn't think about him being gone. I actually am supposed to be finishing an assignment at this moment but I'm bored with that as well. I just have to keep focused and hope that this week flys by so that I can have my visitor come to keep my company, if only for a few days. I always thought that I would be able to do this ... but I guess none of us are really meant to be alone so why did I think I could?!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

To all you mother's out there ... especially mine

Happy Mother's Day!!

At this moment I am wishing I could see my mother's face and wish her happy mother's day. I know that we didn't always see things eye to eye, but I want her to know that I love her! I miss her pushing me to be the best that I can. I miss her constant words of encouragement when I took on new challenges. I miss her voice teaching me the things I need to know the most, although at the time I didn't think I did. I miss her cooking ... alot. I miss our adventures. I just miss her. Thanks mom for being the most amazing woman in my life. I love you!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

L.A. ... I might be coming

I don't even know why I'm writing this post ... I also don't know why I did what I just did. No I didn't do something horrible, well maybe it could end up being horrible. I entered into a sweepstakes!! Not just any sweepstakes, an Ellen sweepstakes. I have the chance to win two tickets to the American Idol Finale, which in and of itself would be amazing. Also, two tickets to an upcoming Ellen Show and last but not least the chance to win a BRAND NEW CAR!! Which just happens to be the all new GMC Terrain. So I had a little faith in myself and said what the heck. So I may or may not be getting all those amazing things ... but I guess I at least had to try just to say I did and to possibly have an adventure I would never forget.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Beginning Of Summer Vacation ... Not

Many of you know that it is now May. Which means fun times are on the way ( I really didn't mean for that to rhyme) but not for me. I will be attending online classes and am so terrified to do it. I haven't been to school in what seem like forever. I just hope I can keep myself motivated and finish what I started so long ago. I think the hardest part about it will be that Tony will be gone off and on. Which should make it seem easier since I won't have anyone distracting me, but I would so rather have him here. But I will just have to make do. I'm guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself. So I'll stop.

For better news, Alyssa has decided to grace me with her presence. I will be lucky enough to have her fly out here to attend the Brad Paisley concert with me. I received these tickets for my birthday from Tony but seeing as he won't be here I had to find someone willing enough to take me. Although Brian offered to "suffer" through it I really wanted someone who would have a good time with me. Knowing that Alyssa would be graduating Aesthetics School and as she's always up for a adventure thought she wouldn't mind the visit. So there we have it, plus I'm hoping she will help me adjust to the extensions I received for my birthday as well. I'll be taking pictures as soon as I perfect them. Last time I tried putting them in, I came out with a mullet. So hopefully that doesn't continue to happen.

Also, it's mother's day coming up and I have no clue what I am going to do. Any great last minute ideas?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Where to begin

I am so sorry for those of you who actually read this blog, because I have been very boring lately. My sister told me that she kept checking our blog and saw nothing but our stupid washer and dryer so I better post something soon.

As many of you know I made a not so recent trip home. It's been about a month since I was gone but still it seems like we just left. My father continues to do well and started Chemo and Radiation on Wednesday or Thursday. This will last a few months so nothing more to report there.

Since our adventurous ride home we have been a not to busy kind of busy. I have yet to unpack everything, but then again I am taking my sweet time with this daunting task because I don't really need the things that are packed away still. Tony is currently away with his ship ... he is allowed to email and I've received two so far but those are kind of boring. We aren't much talkers to begin with so if you add a computer into the mix it makes for a pretty boring conversation. Going back and forth just asking how the other one is. Especially since it's a military account and somethings just can't be discussed.

I have had the sister missionaries from our ward over a few times over the past couple weeks to visit and am hopefully going to go out with them to have lessons with investigators. If I didn't tell you before, one of the sisters actually grew up with me from elementary to high school. We were actually in the same stake back home so it was really crazy running into her here. But I kind of like having someone around that I'm familiar with, even if she can't really hang out with me.

Want to know a secret, I want a puppy. Even though I know it won't happen for a while I secretly really want one. Not just anyone .... I want an English Bulldog. I think they have the cutest "sad" faces. So my sister told me to get a picture of one and put it somewhere I could see it every day so that I won't give up on my dream to have one. Now all I have to do is think of a name for him ... yes him I want a male English Bulldog. Any suggestions?!

Isn't He Cute?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

in less than twenty - four hours ...

.... we will be moving into our "new" apartment and will finally be able to use these precious things again:


Thursday, February 18, 2010

it's been decided ...

On a day that happened to be a tuesday, i do believe. tony and i made our way to the norfolk public library in order to print some things off for our records and what not. in order to use the computers at the library you have to have a library card ... duh. so we signed up and are now proud owners of this little beauty:

On our way home from the library i came up with an idea ... something we can do to document our stays in different states. DRUM ROLL .... we are going to start collecting library cards! Alright this may sound dorky and childish but I need something to look forward to with all these moves in our future.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

valentines .... better late than never

although valentines just happened to land on a sunday, we did most of celebrating saturday. we braved "the cold" and headed to olive garden for some soup, salad, and breadsticks, my favorite. after that we did some light shopping .... nothing too exciting but I loved every minute of it.

on sunday i really wanted to make some egg mcmuffins ....

... so i did!

tony was very nice to buy a a single yellow rose .... cause we're best friends!! plus i LOVE yellow. I really loved being surprised like that.

also, the very nice ladies in the office (of our complex) sent flowers to all ... well i think everyone, at least i got one.

and last but not least .... we recieved delicious valentines cookies from grandma o .... LOVERLY!!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

welcome little one

today we received great news that a little man came into this world, DECLAN BEVAN BRAFORD. we are glad that he has arrived. congratulations to curtiss and maggie. i hope you don't get mad at me for posting before you but ... i just couldn't help and announce it!! hopefully he will continue to be strong and safe. we love you!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

adventures with popcorn

The other night tony and i were watching a movie ... i believe it was up. cause i'm totally addicited to that film right now, so good. anways, and of course you have to have snacks and popcorn while watching just a great movie. so i pulled out some snacks and went to pop that corn in the microwave and remembered ... we don't have one. i mean how can you function in life with no microwave. so tony being the brillant man he is offered his services in cooking the popcorn over the stove. he he i have never laughed to hard trying to "cook" popcorn. i hope you enjoy.

first attmept ... trying to get steam to help pop the kernals:

somewhat popped but we're not quite sure how much it made:

The end result:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

i promise

.... i will be posting more in the next couple of days, i just need to load the pictures first.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

As many of you know we have ventured away from Florida to join tony's brother here in Virginia. we ... well i think mainly just me .... have been missing everyone we met in Florida. but we have to move on. we arrived in Virginia a few days shy of two weeks, although it feels like it's been a lifetime and I think it will continue to feel that way seeing that we will be moving into a new apartment mid February so i decided i would only "unpack" the things we really will be needing for that time. the reason we are moving "again" is so we will be able to have washer and dryer connections ... oh how nice it will be to be able to do laundry in the comfort of my home again. that is a day I will be looking forward to.

Also, tony is now in school but a night school. so he is home now in the mornings, he usually leaves for school around one and is supposed to be there until ten but hasn't had that happen yet thankfully and has been home around eight or so. because i like to see him when he gets home means that i have to think of things to do to keep me busy that late at night. hopefully i will be able to continue to do this even though right after he walks in the door i'm ready for sleep. he he. I promise to try and update all of you on our lives and whereabouts as often as i remember. sorry for the long absence.