Thursday, June 23, 2011

to whom it may concern

well hello there. it seems like i have been gone awhile
... probably because it's true, I have.
I've been spending all my blogging powers here! and so my blog may continue to be neglected because of it.

What I really came to say is that Tony will be coming home in roughly
one month!!
I feel like I have been waiting for this moment forever ..
and now it is finally here.
Hopefully it won't slow down now just because it's so close.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ba Ba Ba ... Ba Ba Bahrain

Well here we are ... past our half way point. Tony was recently in Bahrain, he said he had fun even though he couldn't do much because he had duty two of the three days.

He also said that it has been kind of rough lately just because they are stuck on the ship often. But he is still enjoying the experience and the many packages that are sent out. He is excited for Toby Keith's concert which is coming soon.

We were able to Skype, although it didn't work as well as I thought it would due to bad Internet service. I couldn't hear him and would be able to see him some of the time. But he heard and saw me just fine (i think) ... hopefully we can work out the kinks for next time. It would have been great the see him and hear his voice. But at least I got something.

As for me, I am coming up on finals. So I'm just stressed he he, most likely driving my family nuts. But it will be nice to have my schooling all done by the time Tony gets home.

That's all that is going on in our non-interesting lives. Hope all is going well with you.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

has it really been that long?

For those of you who care to know ...
or for those of you who simply just care.

It has been ONE YEAR
(since feb 27)
since we found out about my papa's cancer.
amazing how time flies, yet goes so slow.
He has a few more years until he is counted as cured.
Until then we will be counting .... because he is the one that counts in our lives.
It just wouldn't be the same without him.

(now everyone knows your secret name)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

As they have come, so they will go ...

Tony has just recently visited Turkey.

While in Turkey he enjoyed a turkey sandwich!! Really.
He has been so excited to try all the different foods from around the world that it is mainly what we talk about. I'm fine with it cause I love a good turkey sandwich every now and then. Plus I just love food.

Things are continuing to go well for us both. I just had three tests for school and did rather well on all of them. However, I can not wait until school is over. Not just because it's school and it just needs to finally end, but that means that Tony is super close to getting home!!
Oh, and before I end I wanted to let you all know ...


I love you all.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

he's well on his way

So, many of you might know that I'm back in Utah.

The reason for this move is because Tony is on a deployment as we are speaking
(or as I am typing).

He has been gone for about three weeks.
Each day is a day closer to when we get to see each other again.
It is also a day that he gets (location wise) farther and farther from me.

The Enterprise recently visited Portugal.
While in port Tony had the opportunity to go on a tour as well as eat some delicious
Portugal-esk food.
He loved every minute of it.

When in port he is allowed to call and talk to me.
Our call lasted 10 minutes before being abruptly cut-off.
I starred at my phone hoping that he would be able to call me right back .... no such luck.
I was saddened that I didn't spend the time I had available with him
to let him know how much I loved him and was proud of him for serving our country.
Instead, I chattered about things that I needed to know in order to get things done.

I'm still sad that our conversation went the way it did.
Making me realize that next time ... I LOVE YOU will be the first words out of my mouth.

I will be trying to remember to update everyone on both of our lives.
But I am in school and usually spend my 'free time' doing homework or studying for tests.
So I don't guarantee anything ... if you don't know this by now ... I really suck at blogging.