Saturday, February 12, 2011

As they have come, so they will go ...

Tony has just recently visited Turkey.

While in Turkey he enjoyed a turkey sandwich!! Really.
He has been so excited to try all the different foods from around the world that it is mainly what we talk about. I'm fine with it cause I love a good turkey sandwich every now and then. Plus I just love food.

Things are continuing to go well for us both. I just had three tests for school and did rather well on all of them. However, I can not wait until school is over. Not just because it's school and it just needs to finally end, but that means that Tony is super close to getting home!!
Oh, and before I end I wanted to let you all know ...


I love you all.

1 comment:

  1. Glad he is doing well (and seeing the world)!! Only part that could make it better is if you were with him! I think about you lots, and WAY TO GO on the tests! Congrats!

    Happy Valentines day. Love you.
