Tuesday, February 1, 2011

he's well on his way

So, many of you might know that I'm back in Utah.

The reason for this move is because Tony is on a deployment as we are speaking
(or as I am typing).

He has been gone for about three weeks.
Each day is a day closer to when we get to see each other again.
It is also a day that he gets (location wise) farther and farther from me.

The Enterprise recently visited Portugal.
While in port Tony had the opportunity to go on a tour as well as eat some delicious
Portugal-esk food.
He loved every minute of it.

When in port he is allowed to call and talk to me.
Our call lasted 10 minutes before being abruptly cut-off.
I starred at my phone hoping that he would be able to call me right back .... no such luck.
I was saddened that I didn't spend the time I had available with him
to let him know how much I loved him and was proud of him for serving our country.
Instead, I chattered about things that I needed to know in order to get things done.

I'm still sad that our conversation went the way it did.
Making me realize that next time ... I LOVE YOU will be the first words out of my mouth.

I will be trying to remember to update everyone on both of our lives.
But I am in school and usually spend my 'free time' doing homework or studying for tests.
So I don't guarantee anything ... if you don't know this by now ... I really suck at blogging.

1 comment:

  1. I love the new blog look Joc! And that picture of you two is REALLY cute!! I think about you often and keep you both in my prayers! Here is to hoping that time goes quickly! (and trust me, it will). LOVE YOU!
